Christ is my Lord


An Easter hymn of Christian Confidence

10 6 10 6 9 9 4 4

Tune: Es Ist Genug (LSB 468)


Christ is my Lord!

Not Satan, world, or guilt

Can claim my heart as theirs;

The Son of God

His blood for sinners spilt,

And now His glory shares;

In Him is peace the world can’t offer;

He teaches, when He lets me suffer,

He is my Lord.

Christ is my Lord!


Christ is my Lord!

He speaks with strength divine

That makes the dead to live!

The Son of Man

Has made His Father mine

With words that still forgive.

Baptized, I have His constant promise

That moves me to confess with Thomas,

“My God and Lord!”

Christ is my Lord!


Christ is my Lord!

Though I am poor and weak,

He will His strength display;

My Shepherd, He

Knows how His sheep to seek

If ever I should stray.

I hear His voice when guilt’s upon me;

He finds me lost, but speaks to own me,

“I am your Lord!”

Christ is my Lord!


Christ is my Lord!

He is the Father’s Vine,

And I a branch in Him!

He, Jesse’s root,

Has made His merit mine

Because He took my sin.

Now in His body I am growing,

And by His blood faith’s fruit is showing

He is my Lord!

Christ is my Lord!


Christ is my Lord

And not the gloomy grave

That claims all Adam’s dust;

He who was dead

Now lives again to save

What reason thought was lost.

Soon, soon, the trumpet will declare it,

And every child of God will share it.

Christ lives, my Lord!

Christ is my Lord!


Christ is my Lord!

His will be done in me

Until that joyous dawn,

When He as Judge

From death will set me free,

And sorrow shall be gone.

Until then, Jesus Christ, I pray You,

Let me believe You and obey You.

You are my Lord!

Christ is my Lord!
