Christ, Obedient to the Father


87 87 87 Alleluias

Tune: Divinum Mysterium (Of the Father’s Love Begotten)


Based on sermons by John Arndt and John Gerhard on Luke 2:41-52


1. Christ, obedient to the Father,

Living in the sinner’s place,

Suddenly within His temple

Made to shine the Father’s face;

By His humble, pure obedience

Growing in and giving grace.

Alleluia! Alleluia! 


2. As Josiah cleansed the temple

When he reigned twelve years as king,

So this Boy is cleansing, teaching

Words that life and Spirit bring;

Let us with His teachers marvel,

And be taught by Him to sing

Alleluia! Alleluia!


3. Lord, I love Your house of glory,

Where Your Gospel still is heard;

Where Your name is here remembered

Faith is found with faith’s reward;

Where Your sacraments are given

Is the temple of the Lord.

Alleluia! Alleluia! 


4. If my God so condescended

To obey two sinners here,

How can I, but dust and ashes,

Not desire such love and fear? 

Christ, Your love is my salvation –

Be Your love in me made clear.

Alleluia! Alleluia!


5. Jesus, never let me lose You

By believing Satan’s lies,

Nor let me through willful sinning

A repentant heart despise,

And if I can’t feel You near me

Speak Your Word, and hear my cries!

Alleluia! Alleluia!


6. For three days they did not find You,

Doing what Your Father said;

You were lost, for three days buried,

Found arisen from the dead.

Now with Mary we still find You

Giving life for which You bled.

Alleluia! Alleluia! 


7. So God’s children now will seek You,

When Your lips, still full of grace

In Your Body’s House assemble

Sinners from each tribe and race,

Till we gather as Your Temple,

And rejoice to see Your face!

Alleluia! Alleluia! 
