Come, Christians, With Thanksgiving
76 76 D
Tune: Der Bräutgam Wird Bald Rufen (LSB 514)
1. Come, Christians, with thanksgiving
Praise Him, whose blood was shed,
Who now for us is living,
And speaks to raise the dead
To give what sin has taken,
To take all tears away –
The heavens shall be shaken
When dawns that joyous day!
2. Rejoice, the time redeeming!
Though days be evil here,
Life’s river still is streaming
From Him who says He’s near
To all the broken-hearted,
To all who call on Him
To finish what He started,
And cleanse them from their sin.
3. Lord Jesus, all that ails me
Is known to You, I know;
So when my spirit fails me,
Teach me the way to go,
No, Jesus, rather take me,
And carry me by grace,
And with Your mercy make me
In faith behold Your face.
4. Until in skies unclouded
By sin and doubt and pain,
We see Your face enshrouded
With glory we shall gain,
When what on earth was broken
Forever shall be healed,
And all our hearts heard spoken
Our eyes will see revealed.
5. Until that day we follow
Where Your good Spirit guides,
Away from pleasures hollow
To treasures He provides -
The faith that knows our Savior,
The hope that stays awake,
The love that lasts forever,
And us like You will make.