Come, Jesus, Savior, Come to Me
A hymn for the first Sunday of Advent
Tune: Ryburn (LSB 683)
Come, Jesus, Savior, come to me,
Come as You are, the lowly King,
Righteous and in humility,
Salvation for the lost to bring;
Come to the sinner soiled by sin,
And with Your Gospel enter in.
How can my heart prepare a place
While evil comes out of my heart?
Can honor come to such disgrace?
What can I to this King impart?
A broken spirit for my Lord
Is all this sinner can afford.
But see He comes, He comes to me,
Despite my own unworthiness;
No goodness in me He could see,
But shows me still his love and grace;
And faith that I could not achieve
With words of life to me does give.
No earthly joy compares with this,
The healing of my soul from guilt;
For righteousness gives peace its kiss
Where Jesus’ blood for sin was spilt,
And in my soul the truth is poured
That moves my heart to call Him Lord.
And faith puts off the sinful man,
And puts on Jesus Christ instead;
What I could not do Jesus can –
He brings new life from what was dead,
As good flows from the truth believed,
And love grows from the love received,
Come to me, Jesus, every day,
In water that bestowed new birth;
Come take my every sin away
Till You shall come to judge the earth,
And I with all God’s children sing
And reign with You, our Savior King.