Come, Rejoice, You Persecuted
87 87 77 88
Tune: Werde Munter (LSB 548)
1 Come, rejoice, you persecuted!
Christ is making you like Him!
Now His Spirit can’t be muted,
Now your lamp is no more dim,
But shines brighter from the cross
That has burned away the dross,
And reveals You in Your Savior
Whose reward will be forever!
2 Brighter than the sun is glowing
Will the persecuted shine!
Who Christ’s shame on earth are knowing,
Will receive His crown divine,
Those who sowed in pain and tears
Will forget their sorrow’s fears,
When they enter heaven bearing
Fruits their Lord with them is sharing.
3 Oh, how great Your mercy t’ward us,
Faithful Savior, dearest Friend!
In our dying You will guard us,
In our death our griefs shall end,
Since we have Your Word so true,
“If they hurt and insult you,
Joy is yours for pain here given -
Great is your reward in heaven!”