Dear Giver of All Life, We Pray
A Sexagesima Hymn
887 447
Tune: In dich hab’ ich gehoffet (TLH 524)
1 Dear Giver of all life, we pray
Keep us believing till that Day,
When ends this earth’s sad story,
When what You grow
Your light will show
In heavenly joy and glory.
2 As Israel lived from manna sweet
Until their trial was complete,
So while we here must wander,
Feed us Your Word
Until is heard
Your trumpet calling yonder.
3 As manna laid in chest of gold
So may our hearts by faith now hold
The Bread that life is giving;
In every need,
Lord, let Your Seed
Preserve us here believing.
4 If we must see Your Word despised,
And stolen by the devil’s lies,
Or die in persecution,
Through trial’s pain
Our faith sustain
From unbelief’s pollution!
5 And since we in poor flesh are found,
Where thorns and cares of life abound,
Protect each failing conscience!
By Your own toil
Break up the soil,
And lead us to repentance.
6 As only four were found by God,
When He’d have gladly spared the rod,
And saved the sinful city,
So let us know
The way to go
When ends the day of pity.
7 A broken heart You don’t despise,
So lift, we pray, the sinner’s eyes
To find Your heart still speaking;
Who sin still feel
To them reveal
Their Shepherd calling, seeking.
8 Once in the earth of our own flesh
The eternal Word was planted fresh,
And grew in God’s own favor,
Our debt He paid,
In earth was laid,
And rose alive, our Savior.
9 So plant deep in my heart, O Lord,
Your Gospel’s true, undying Word,
That speaks our sin forgiven,
And still will stay
When pass away
This dying earth and heaven.
10 Then let us live by faith while here,
And evermore Your Word revere
As life when all is dying,
Till we will see
What it is now supplying.