Dear Jesus Christ, My Only Lord
87 87 887
Tune: Es ist das Heil (LSB 555)
1 Dear Jesus Christ, my only Lord,
Whose mercy has no measure,
The love You have on me outpoured
Surpasses every treasure,
Since You from earth’s futility,
Instead of death, bestow on me
The life that lasts forever.
2 My heart cannot contain Your praise,
It brims with joy and wonder,
As You from dying works now raise
My soul Your work to ponder:
How meek and gentle here You dwelt,
How patiently Your blood was spilt
In love for me, a sinner.
3 The world has love that fades away,
The grave destroys her power;
Your love endured death’s darkest day
And shone in morning hour,
When all that causes grief for us
Was conquered by Your righteousness
In Your pure risen body.
4 And when my heart was hard as stone,
And trusted in creation,
You did not leave me all alone,
But sent to me salvation
By speaking to me with Your voice,
Gave me a heart that can rejoice
In You, my blest Creator.
5 Now all that brings distress and harm
Is softened by Your mercy;
And earthly pleasures and their charm
Can only make me thirsty
For You and what You do for me,
For Judgment Day when I shall see
Your face in joy and glory.