Dear Love, Who Made My Soul to Love


Trinity 13


A hymn for the students of St. Andrew’s

88 88 88

Tune: Ryburn (LSB 683)


1 Dear Love, who made my soul to love,

Who made my body to receive

And give the love come from above,

Turn now my heart so I believe

That when I see no love in me

In Christ I find it, full and free.


2 When Moses asked to see Your face

You preached to Him Your holy name,

So in Your Word declare Your grace

And take away my sin and shame,

Since You are God and God’s own Son,

And love must come from You alone.


3 But I could never reach to heav’n,

My mind’s by nature set on earth

Until You speak my sin forgiv’n,

And show to me my second birth

In You, once born on earth to die

And by Your blood my life supply.


4 I have not seen, but I believe

What kings and prophets longed to hear,

Your comfort for the souls that grieve,

Your pardon for their sin I share,

The love that, when the Law walked by,

Saw all my need and heard my sigh.


5 Pour in the oil Your Breath can give,

The dew that soothes my conscience-pain,

And give the wine that makes me live

Your cross’s blood that will sustain

My soul beneath each cross You lay

Until You wipe my tears away.


6 Is there a greater love than this -

The One I hated giving all?

Here peace and righteousness must kiss,

While I in faith upon You call:

Give me the love You have for me

Towards those whom I in need may see.


7 If love can make the dead to live,

If love can bear my weight of sin,

If love has power to forgive

When all I see is guilt within,

Then love can move this child of God

To bear in love my neighbor’s load.
