Death, Do Not Threaten; You Are Mine
For Noreen, a dear sister and friend in Christ
8 6 8 6 8 6
Tune: Brother James’ Air
Death, do not threaten; you are mine,
My servant you shall be;
Christ showed in flesh with pow’r divine
Your death upon the tree;
He left you lying in the grave,
And now He lives for me!
So you may take the ones I love,
And give me tears and pain;
My heart is fixed on Christ above,
I do not mourn in vain;
When heav’n and earth will pass away,
His promise will remain!
All flesh is grass and like a flow’r
Will fade and wilt away,
Except the flesh that had the pow’r
Sin’s wages here to pay,
And like a lily bloomed again
On Easter’s glorious Day!
He is the first-fruits of the life
That I by faith have known,
And after this short earthly strife,
He will not be alone -
From dust and ash will rise again
All whom He calls His own.
So come, death, press now from my heart
Tears that I gladly sow;
My suffering here can but impart
Joys that my ears will know,
When to my eyes that God has dried
Christ will His glory show!