From Death and Sins I Couldn’t Bear
A Quasimodogeniti hymn
L.M. Alleluia
Tune: Erschienen ist (TLH 223)
1. From death and sins I couldn’t bear
My Lord arose and makes me share
The life that conquered sin and death,
And kindles in my heart true faith.
2. Why stay in rooms locked by your fear?
Yet even there He will appear
To show His wounds in hand and side,
Where sinners safely can abide.
3. Be gone all grief for sin and death!
I hear My Savior’s living breath,
“Receive My Spirit, you who mourn,
From Me who all your sin have borne!
4. All doubt comes from the prince of lies;
All truth comes from the Man who dies
And rises up to set me free
And living makes me living be.
5. Deep in Your wounds, Lord let me hide,
There wash me clean and cast aside
All doubt that You are all I need,
Who at God’s right for sinners plead.
6. Let what You plant now in my heart
To words and action hope impart,
So that through every cross and strife
I walk in newness of Your life!
7. Now as a newborn baby I
Thirst for the milk for which I cry,
Which feeds me with Your life divine,
And makes all heaven’s riches mine.
8. So make me grow in humble fear,
Waiting for when You will appear
And as You are will make me be,
When I in joy Your glory see!