Here, O My Lord, I Taste That You Are Good


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1 Here, O my Lord, I taste that You are good;

You give to me Your body and Your blood

In bread and wine that Your pure Word does bless,

That I Your free forgiveness may possess.


2 You know my weakness, but in this bright hour

You come in meekness to display Your pow’r,

Inviting sinners to lay down their load

And find again the peace You made with God.


3 I am unworthy to approach Your throne;

Still You invite the guilty here to own

The pardon that our works could never win,

The righteousness that covers all our sin.


4 By faith which You have worked with Your own voice

You make repentant sinners here rejoice,

Since by Your pure obedience in my place

You make me worthy to receive Your grace. 


5 I cannot see how wine and bread could be

Your blood and body slain and shed for me,

But I can hear the truth that still You speak,

Which, when You call, Your sheep will always seek. 


6 Lord Jesus, let my sins not have control!

But send Your Holy Spirit to my soul,

That I may eat and drink and rest in You

Who by this feast are making all things new.


7 Here is the body slain upon the tree

That carried in it my iniquity;

Come now, my heart, and with my mouth now claim

What gives God glory and takes all your shame.


8 Here is the blood from God made man once spilt

To wash away the stains of sin and guilt;

Come, hungry spirit, drink of Jesus’ love

That reconciles your soul with God above. 


9 And so let us proclaim here Jesus’ death,

And be united in one mind and faith,

Until we see what we by faith have spied:

The Feast of Christ the Lamb, with us, His Bride. 
