In Bethlehem is Giv’n


Tune: Nunc Dimittis / O Gladsome, Light O Grace (LSB 888)


1 In Bethlehem is giv’n

The Son of God from heaven,

The Child of Virgin Mary,

Born pure, but poor and weak,

Sinners on earth to seek,

And all their guilt to carry.


2 A Shepherd Micah saw;

The shepherds see with awe

The angel singing “Glory!”

Not in the house of kings,

But to the poor he brings

Salvation’s promised story. 


3 From everlasting He

To whom we bend the knee,

With Shepherds Christ adoring;

This Babe His flock shall feed,

And for the guilty plead,

From flesh God’s blood outpouring. 


4 The Father’s only Son

Now with mankind is one,

Emmanuel forever!

How could my heart still fear?

God is to sinners near

Our Brother and our Savior. 


5 What is the mind of God,

Who took our flesh and blood,

Oppressed with sin and sorrow;

Wrapped in but swaddling clothes,

Clothed in our human woes,

From whom we comfort borrow! 


6 How could God run from you,

When He came down to do

All that the Father told Him?

What reason now for fright?

In darkness shines the Light

For faith in love to hold Him. 


7 All that you are He is,

All that is His He gives,

The riches of His heaven;

Whatever You have lost,

He comes to pay the cost

And speak your sins forgiven. 


8 Bring now your cross and care

To Him who came to share

The sinner’s every burden;

No loss, no sadness here

Could make Him not appear

To bring His peace and pardon. 


9 My heart with joy must leap,

While Jesus keeps His sheep,

My Mighty God, my Brother!

On Him my soul will graze

Now and through endless days;

I will not trust another!


10 Glory to God on high,

Who is to sinners nigh,

Goodwill and peace bestowing!

Of Jesse’s stump the stem,

The joy of Bethlehem,

Our peace beyond all knowing. 
