Jesus, Give Me Your Salvation
A Hymn on the Sower and the Different Grounds
8787 D
Tune: O Du Liebe / Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
1. Jesus, give me Your salvation
In Your holy, saving Word;
Keep me as Your new creation,
Calling You my only Lord.
Deep now in my heart be sowing
Seed that shall by grace take root,
Into will and action growing,
Bearing faith’s abundant fruit.
2. Guard me from the devil’s lying,
Which would snatch the seed from me,
By Your Spirit truth supplying
That will set this sinner free.
Keep Your Church throughout these ages
From false faith and heresy,
Firmly built on Scripture’s pages,
Joined to You in unity.
3. In the world much persecution
Will be ours – this You have said.
Grant us by Your absolution
Through all trials to be led;
Though the world her glory offer,
Let us claim Your cross’s shame,
That we gladly here may suffer,
Boasting in Your saving Name.
4. Nor let any fleshly pleasure
Choke the seed You plant in us;
Let us count as loss all treasure
That conceals Your righteousness.
Tear each care and thorny burden
From our poor and sinful hearts,
Giving by Your Word Your pardon
That Your blood to us imparts.
5. Break our hearts in love, dear Sower,
Make them by Your goodness good;
You, of faith the gracious Grower,
Pour on water with Your blood;
So shall You, our faith’s Beginning,
By Your Holy Spirit’s Word,
With Your voice for us be winning
Fruits of faith and faith’s reward.