Jesus Stands Upon the Mountain
A Transfiguration Hymn
8787 7788
Tune: Werde Munter (LSB 548)
1. Jesus stands upon the mountain
Brighter than the sun can shine,
Teaching us He is the fountain
Of all life and joys divine;
His appearance changes so
We may hear and love to know
That to Him it has been given
To make us the heirs of Heaven.
2. With Him Moses and Elijah
Speak of death that He will taste;
Law and Prophet and Messiah
In apostles’ sight are placed;
Now we trust the Scriptures’ Word
That declares God’s Son our Lord;
Abba, Father, let us hear Him,
And in faith and love revere Him!
3. O my God in mortal nature,
Out of Egypt came Your call;
You are Israel’s greater Teacher,
And You made death’s sea a wall,
So in You the way is found,
Where we live when sin is drowned,
And our bondage to the devil
Is destroyed with all our evil.
4. Jesus, take the veil from Moses,
Turn us to the Law fulfilled
In Your spotless death that shows us
Where God’s wrath was justly stilled,
So that we, with unveiled face
Are transformed in You by grace
From the weak and transitory
To the image of Your glory.
February A+D 2019