Jesus, Thy Death Upon the Tree




Text: M.A. Preus; Trinity 21, 2005

Romans 3

Tune: Vater Unser or Ryburn


1) Jesus, Thy death upon the tree

No mind can measure all its worth,

That Thou didst suffer willingly

All wrath against this sinful earth;

Draw our hearts near to hear the sound

That in Your wounds is ever found.

[that is to say, the gospel is preached and heard]


2) Should I examine every deed

That from my sinful heart does come,

I find no good, but only need,

My tongue turned still, my mouth made dumb;

The Law each sinful soul condemns,

And wrathful condemnation sends.


3) There is none righteous, no, not one,

None that seeks after righteousness,

All turned aside, all selfish run

Far from all good to wickedness;

No single soul is left excuse

And none death’s sentence can refuse.


4) Therefore, O Lord, in Thy just sight

Shall none by works be justified,

The Law can only bring to light

How all Thy justice have denied.

But Thou in Christ hast well revealed

How every child of wrath is healed.


5) For now apart from all demands

God’s righteousness is freely giv’n,

The verdict that forever stands:

The world through Jesus is forgiv’n.

For on our Lord all sin was laid

And by His blood our debt was paid.


6) Lord, may I never this forget,

(To lose this truth is losing Thee),

Nor let my heart this grace regret,

That God is reconciled to me;

There is no sin, no guilt, no lie

That in Christ’s body did not die.


7) Jesus, my risen Lord and God,

Since I am righteous by Thy grace,

Preserve me with Thy precious blood

Through every trial and disgrace,

Never Thy cross to scorn away

But by Thy mercy there to stay.


8) And when the trumpet sound I hear

And see and love Thy glorious face,

Dry Thou in love my every tear

Take me to Heaven by Thy grace,

To live with Thee who for me died,

My Lord, my God, the Crucified.