Let Me With Mary Bow to Thee


Holy Tuesday


Tune: Gottlob, Est Geht nunmehr zum End’ (LSB 634)


1 Let me with Mary bow to Thee,

Lord Jesus, who dost set us free

From bondage to the fear of sin,

From shame our spirits feel within;


2 Though others say it is a waste,

Where can our gifts be better placed

Than at Thy feet, which walked to death

To raise the lowly up by faith?


3 Thine oil is Spirit, life, and truth,

Which can all wounds of sinners soothe;

Thy tears were balm to Mary’s heart;

So too to me Thy grace impart!


4 “Don’t trouble her,” my Savior said.

“The ointment poured upon My head

Flows from her heart, from faith I gave

That now anoints Me for My grave.” 


5 Thou wilt, O Jesus not despise

The ointment pouring from my eyes;

A broken heart smells sweeter than

All of the righteousness of men. 


6 Receive all sorrow that I have

To mark as mine Thy holy grave,

Where I will wait with Mary’s faith

Until I see Thee rise from death.