Lord, Day and Night I’ve Cried for Thee


Tune: In dich hab’ ich gehoffet, Herr / TLH 524


1 Lord, day and night I’ve cried for Thee

To hear my pray’r and set me free

From troubles that surround me;

For Jesus’ sake,

Dear Father, make

The foes depart who wound me.


2 So weak are we in flesh and blood;

Remember now our frame, O God,

This dust, too soon decaying;

Remove our guilt

Before we wilt

In sorrows on us weighing.


3 Why dost Thou hide Thy face from me,

And answer not my fervent plea

To take from me my burden?

Where is the aid

For which Christ paid

With blood that bought my pardon?


4 How canst Thou not with Him, whom Thou

Once gavest for me, also show

What now by grace is needed?

How long, O Lord?

I trust Thy word,

Which cannot be defeated.


5 It must be for my good that I

Beneath this heavy cross now lie,

But when wilt Thou relieve me?

Yet I am sure

Thou hast the cure

Which Thou in time wilt give me. 


6 My reason now must humble stand

Before what I can’t understand,

On Thy good pleasure waiting;

This cup soon take

And sweeter make,

Its bitterness abating.


7 “A little while,” my Jesus said,

And into life I shall be led,

His gracious face beholding;

A little while,

And Thou wilt smile,

Me in Thy love enfolding.


8 Yet even now I am in Thee,

And Thou, Lord, also art in me -

Thou knowest well my sorrow,

And soon wilt dry

My weeping eye

With joy that comes tomorrow. 


9 Thou knowest well how to conform

Me, through each cross and every storm,

To Jesus’ perfect image;

Soon I shall see

Christ’s victory

Shine more than I envisage.


10 So still in grief Thy love I sing,

To Father, Son, and Spirit bring

All laud and praise and glory;

For whom He wounds

His healing finds

In His redemption’s story. 

