Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Way


88 88 88

Tune: Vater unser im Himmelreich (LSB 767)


1 Lord Jesus Christ, the only way

From guilt for which I could not pay,

Grant me Thy grace that I may see

My every single sin on Thee,

And find it dead within Thy grave,

For Thou art risen me to save. 


2 Thou art the Truth that silences

All that my foe, the devil, says;

Thou didst what God did truly say,

And turned not from the truth away

When Thou, who only good hadst been,

Wert made to be for sinners sin. 


3 Thou livest and my life Thou art,

Who canst and dost to me impart

The righteousness that conquers death,

The blood that quenched God’s righteous wrath,

So that I know Thy Father’s grace,

And hope to see Thee face to face.


4 Lead me so that I will not stray,

Teach me upon the narrow way,

Yea, with Thy Spirit quicken me,

That I, from all dead works made free,

May serve Thee here in love and peace

And there in joy that shall not cease.  
