Lord, Say the Word, And I’ll Be Healed
Lord, say the Word, and I’ll be healed –
Speak, and my guilt will leave me;
In love that Your blest death revealed,
In mercy, Christ, receive me.
I only need to hear from You,
And I see You make all things new
By pow’r by which You’re living.
I don’t deserve that You should come;
Your presence I can’t merit;
Yet You can claim my heart Your home
By sending Your sweet Spirit
In but a word from God’s own heart,
By which You will to me impart
The faith that Your death saves me.
I tell my child to go, it goes;
You tell my guilt to leave me,
Since You are Lord of lords, who knows
All that can hurt and grieve me.
Of sin and death you are the Lord,
You rule Your kingdom with Your Word
That conquers all that ails me.
Draw me to see in every loss
What Your pure lips are saying,
And to behold beneath the cross
The grace for which I’m praying;
How from a body bearing sin
Flow words that give me life within
With blood that still sustains me.