My Soul, Now Sing


Holy Saturday


A hymn for Holy Saturday


Tune: O Darkest Woe (O Traurigkeit)


My soul, now sing

To Christ our King,

Who claimed His crown with weeping

For the death of everyone

Who in sin was sleeping.


Let all who fear

When death is near

Come here and see Christ dying,

Giving up His holy breath,

Life in death supplying.


If grief you know,

Let Jesus show

The cup He drank so willing,

When He swallowed sin and death,

God's good will fulfilling.


If sin is strong,

Take up this song,

"The death that Jesus suffered

Payed the debt of all my guilt

With the blood He offered."


The world can rage;

On Scripture's page

Christ's victory is written,

How for all the world He died,

And by God was smitten.


Now to His tomb,

My heart, now come,

In Him your peace discover;

Take your Sabbath rest from Him -

All your work is over.


Heart, lift your eyes,

And see Him rise

To leave the grave behind Him,

Giving hope that you will live

When in faith you find Him.
