O Lord, I Kneel Before You


76 76 D

Tune: Gottlob gestrost mit singen (LSB 746)


1 O Lord, I kneel before You,

As wise men did of old,

And with true love adore You

With conscience free and bold,

For You to every nation

Show gladly who You are,

And as Your new creation

I follow still the Star.


2 I find the Star still beaming

In Scripture’s sacred page -

You come, my flesh redeeming

As told in ancient age,

How love that we rejected

Would be revealed again,

And Christ, the long expected,

Would come to bear our pain.


3 You came to darkest places,

God’s Son and Mary’s Child,

And all that us disgraces,

And all that has defiled

Is laid on You, most holy –

Your weakness shows Your pow’r

To bear in spirit lowly

The night of Judgment’s hour. 


4 So gladly I will follow

To where Your cross will lead,

And every sip will swallow

Which you decree I need,

For there beneath the sorrow,

The Star still shines to show

The hope of blest tomorrow,

The way that I should go.


5 And take my life and treasure,

And take my talents all;

I serve at Your good pleasure,

I answer when You call;

So call me now, dear Savior,

Each day away from sin,

That I may see forever

The Light Your sufferings win.


6 Be gone all night and shadows

That stem from my own heart,

Still waters and green meadows

My Shepherd will impart

To all who hear Him pleading,

And listen to His voice,

And on His flesh are feeding

And in His blood rejoice. 
