On the Mountain Shines His Glory


For the saints of St. Andrew’s in Laramie

8787 8877

Tune: Christus, meines Lebens Leben (LSB 420)


1 On the mountain shines His glory,

Face as bright as is the sun;

See fulfilled the prophet’s story:

“This is my beloved Son!”

Here the majesty of heaven

To the Son of Man is given,

Glory which already He

Holds from all eternity. 


2 Peter, James and John are kneeling,

Where the prophets testify,

By their presence Christ revealing

As the one who came to die.

He, by blood He will be spilling,

Israel’s exodus fulfilling,

Passing through the sea of red,

Where the lost to life are led. 


3 This is He in darkness shining,

Whom no darkness overcame,

He, whose Spirit is refining

All who call upon His name;

He, the Sun of Easter’s morning,

Preaches truth until the dawning

Of the light within our heart

That His coming will impart. 


4 Here in our own human nature

Find the foretaste of our joy;

See the Maker in His creature

With the power to destroy

All of Satan’s snares that caught us,

Death and all that sin has brought us –

Perfect picture here we see

Of what we in heav’n shall be. 


5 For the death we long have dreaded

Goes this man who is our God;

To Jerusalem is headed

On the lonely, narrow road;

Where His own will mock, abhor Him,

There our joy is set before Him

In the cross’s shame and pain,

Suffered for the sinner’s gain. 


6 Jesus, grant to us Your glory

Hidden in Your holy cross;

Preach to us salvation’s story

With Your words that pardon us;

Grant us faith and keep us lowly,

Walking in Your pathways holy

Till in heaven when we sing

Alleluias to our King! 

                        February, 2015