Saints, Let Go All Apprehension
87 87 77 88
Tune: Freu dich sehr (LSB 347)
Be Faithful unto Death
1 Saints, let go all apprehension,
In the clouds He soon shall come,
Christ, your Lord and your Redemption,
Shall appear to take you home;
Dried shall be each crying eye
Healed our hearts from every sigh,
When He fills with joy our spirit
In the glory we inherit.
2 For your Lord, so long forgiving,
Stir your hearts to give Him praise;
Walk in holiness of living
In these evil, latter days;
Cast aside what Him offends,
Claim the grace His Spirit sends,
Drink Christ’s mercy in repentance,
Let His blood now cleanse your conscience.
3 In His Word His Spirit preaches,
He, sweet oil, so glad and free,
Filling you with what He teaches,
Lifting you from death to see
New Jerusalem above,
Mother of the sons of Love,
Soon as Christ’s own Bride appearing,
With her Lord His glory sharing.
4 Who here died with Christ his Savior
There shall have the life He brings;
Those enduring here will ever
Reign with Him as priests and kings;
He who here denies His name,
There shall meet his Judge with shame;
He who unto death believeth
There the crown of life receiveth.
5 Faithful Jesus, bring Thy glory
To Thy saints who suffer here;
End this earth’s sad, sinful story
With Thy joy that shall appear
Scatt’ring death’s dark memory
With Thy face which we shall see,
Knowing Thee as Thou hast known us,
Owning Thee as Thou dost own us.