Sing to the Lord Because Christ Is Risen
A joyous Easter hymn
10 8 10 8 88 Alleluia
Tune: Lobe den Herren, O meine Seele (LSB 797)
1 Sing to the Lord because Christ is risen -
In human nature life has won!
Burst are the chains that held us in prison -
Death bows before the Virgin’s Son.
He, the unblemished Lamb of God,
Leaves in the grave sin’s heavy load!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
2 Satan, our enemy, is defeated –
Christ took from him the pow’r of death;
The grave’s corruption in fear retreated
From Him who breathes life-giving breath.
Where is the sin on Him once laid?
See, it is gone! Our debt is paid!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
3 Who is this Man, who gave up His spirit
Only to take it up again?
The Son of God He is - sinners, hear it!
He died and could not dead remain.
Your enemies He made His own –
Death is the footstool of His throne!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
3 Adam, your curse is replaced with blessing –
Christ died and did not turn to dust;
By faith in Jesus, His life possessing,
We claim the image we had lost.
All that has power to destroy
Crumbles before our holy joy!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
4 You, who with mortal eyes, see life fading,
Look with the eyes of faith, and hear!
Christ is alive, and He is creating
Life without sin or pain or fear.
For as He is, you too shall be –
Yours is His cross and victory!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
5 First fruits He is of His children sleeping -
Soon, soon, the harvest will appear;
Safe in their graves is the Head now keeping
His members, who to Him are dear.
Could He who rose not raise them too
Who trust that He makes all things new?
Alleluia! Alleluia!
6 What has this dying world me to offer,
When Christ gives life eternally?
What are the pains that I here must suffer
Compared to glory I shall see
When former things have passed away
And holy I arise that Day?
Alleluia! Alleluia!
7 Come, then my spirit, and join the chorus,
Of saints below and saints above;
For this we know, if our God is for us,
Who can oppose His mighty love?
All grief now from my heart has fled -
Jesus is risen from the dead!
Alleluia! Alleluia!