Sing to the Lord, He Is Good and Holy

10 8 10 8 88 Alleluia

Tune: Lobe den Herren, O meine Seele (LSB 797)


1 Sing to the Lord, He is good and holy,

And those who fear Him will taste His love;

Lift up your hearts, all you poor and lowly

To Him who pleads for you above!

Trust Him, who cast your sin aside -

Safe in His wounds let sinners hide!

Alleluia!  Alleluia!


2 Turn from your ways – you so often stumble

Because you trust in what you do.

Confess your sins and let pride all crumble

Before His Word that still is true,

And lifts the beggar from the dust

And turns your heart in Christ to trust. 

Alleluia!  Alleluia!


3 Turn now your eyes to the Lamb once offered,

Now given in the bread and wine;

All sin inside you this Victim suffered

In flesh like yours, but all divine.

Now He is risen from the dead -

Now sinners with His life are fed!

Alleluia!  Alleluia!


4 Bring all your poverty, take His treasure;

Bring all your grief, and claim His joy;

For guilt is pardon beyond all measure,

This is the life sin can’t destroy;

This is Christ’s body and His blood,

Taste and confess, “The Lord is good!”

Alleluia!  Alleluia!


5 Let money leave, and family forsake you,

Jesus is with the sinner still.

His Spirit from your despair will take you,

And show the Father’s gracious will.

All those who mourn will comfort see,

The hungry satisfied will be!

Alleluia!  Alleluia!


6 Better the little the just are eating

Than all the wicked’s pleasures here;

In all our need we taste Christ defeating

The world and all that we could fear.

I called on Jesus in distress,

He answered, giving righteousness! 

Alleluia!  Alleluia!


7 Come then with joy and with glad thanksgiving

To this blest feast which Christ prepares!

He gives the medicine that makes living

What died, but here His glory shares!

For where forgiveness is, must be

Life that will last eternally!

Alleuia!  Alleluia! 
