Soon Will Come the Day of Glory
87 87 D
Tune: Hyfrydol (LSB 852)
For KQ’s family
1 Soon will come the day of glory -
In our graves the Dawn will break;
Christ will silence death’s sad story,
And His sleeping children wake;
They will rise like Him, all glorious,
Without pain or need or fear,
Clothed in white, will sing victorious
To the Lamb, forever near.
2 Now we feel the pain in grieving,
Now our spirits sorrow know,
But by faith we are receiving
Hope which into life will grow;
For the Lord of lords has spoken –
He was dead, but now He lives!
And His Word remains unbroken –
Life He is and life He gives.
3 Here on earth she was forgiven;
There she knows no sin or pain;
Now she rests with Christ in heaven,
Waiting but to rise again;
Here God knows our tears and sorrow,
And our mourning’s not in vain;
He will change it on the morrow
Into joy that will remain.
4 Jesus Christ, our only Savior,
Flesh like us, You know our grief;
Come soon, swallow death forever,
Show our eyes what we believe!
Let us see the saints before us,
Loved ones, safely kept by You,
Join us to that holy chorus
Who will see all things made new!