The Womb Was Favored, Full of Grace
Tune: Deus Tuorum Militum (LSB 401)
1 The womb was favored, full of grace,
Through which came Christ to take our place,
As King appears, as through closed door,
To be our Brother evermore!
2 A Light of heaven for us all
Proceeded from the Virgin hall,
To claim His bride, her Man to be,
To pay the price that sets her free.
3 Our Maker into man was made,
His mother’s joy, in manger laid,
Our God in flesh we now receive,
The hope of sinners who believe.
4 He drank the cup of darkest death,
And in our place gave up His breath;
In blood the only God once spilt
Dissolved is all our sin and guilt.
5 All glory to the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
As was, is now, and still shall be
Forever through eternity.
Based on Fit Porta Christi Pervia Hymn XII
Ambrose of Milan (339-397)
Trans. M. A. Preus, 7 Dec. 2022