To God Our Maker Be Thanksgiving
98 98 D
Tune: Rendez A Dieu (LSB 792)
1 To God our Maker be thanksgiving!
All life comes from His mighty love;
All you who by His grace are living,
Praise Him in whom we live and move;
All that is good and true and holy
In Him finds every joy and spring;
Come, creatures, praise the Father solely
In Christ for whom is everything!
2 So too this child is Yours, my Savior;
In wisdom You have fashioned her;
Christ, claim her now as Yours forever,
Within her heart Your Spirit stir,
All that is in her of my nature
From Adam we inherited
Forgive and make a new-born creature
With life that from Your body bled.
3 Come, King, and show Your mighty power,
For all authority is Yours;
Move heaven, and upon her shower
The mercy from Your wounds that pours
All your obedience in the water
That clothes her in Your righteousness,
Come, claim her as Your Father’s daughter,
You, who the little children bless.
4 Then I will live with her forever,
New creatures of our Lord and Head,
With all who found Your grace and favor
In paths to which Your Word has led,
Which soon will open heaven’s portal,
Where all Your saints in courts above
Will sing in white-robed choirs immortal
To You whose name and work is love.
22 March A+D 2018