Unless the Lord Will Build the Home


Psalm 127


Tune: Tallis’ Canon (LSB 883)


1 Unless the Lord will build the home

No blessings to the builder come;

Unless the Lord the city keep,

In vain the watchmen fight off sleep.


2 Child, do not worry late at night,

Nor rise before the morning light,

Avoiding sleep in weary pain,

As if Your work more joy will gain.


3 God gives you sleep, so rest in Him,

Whose Son still cleanses you from sin,

Through whom God made all things for you,

Who grants you both to will and do.


4 Thank God for children from the Lord,

The woman’s fruit is His reward;

Blest he who teaches them the truth,

And shows them Jesus in their youth.


5 Like arrows in a quiver full,

They’ll fight against the gates of hell,

And when they honor Jesus’ name,

They’ll save their parents too from shame. 


6 Lord, build our houses, bless our hands

With mercy that forever stands;

And fill our hearts with peace and joy

That even death cannot destroy. 
